Tips On Choosing the Right Facility Maintenance Service Partner 

There are hundreds of facility maintenance partners available for building owners to choose from. While many of these service providers vary in pricing, the type of work they deliver will depend on the experience and knowledge they have with the mechanical systems that the building utilizes. With so much competition in the market, how can a facility manager ensure they choose the right partner?

It is essential to recognize each facility's unique needs and the budget available to ensure the best experience. Without proper knowledge of what you need, it might be hard to determine if a facility maintenance service provider is the right potential partner. For this reason, it is crucial first to do a thorough evaluation of the building, its operations, and all related equipment. Once these steps have been completed, it will be much easier to find the best service provider.

technician engineer and mentor checking process

How Can I Find the Right Facility Maintenance Service Partner?

Finding a reliable and knowledgeable facility maintenance service partner is often a challenge for a business. To help make the process easier, McIntosh Corporation is happy to give building managers a little insight into what we believe is most important. If you are currently looking for a new facility maintenance service provider, here are a few characteristics that should be investigated before deciding.

Verify Their Reputation and Reviews

When purchasing products, there is a good chance that you take the time to read reviews. The service industry is no different, and carefully inspecting available reviews is a wonderful way to understand how a facility maintenance service provider operates and what to expect. Reputable businesses will often solidify their quality through strong customer testimonials – making them a great starting point in the elimination process. In addition to reviews, do not be afraid to investigate their qualifications, certifications, or industry-related awards for deeper insight.

Chief Engineer in the Hard Hat Walks Through Light Modern Factory

Confirm Quality Standards and Processes

Modern problems require modern solutions. It is important to understand that not all facility maintenance service providers will provide the same level of quality in their standards and processes. In fact, many of these providers may still be using dated equipment and ineffective strategies. Any company that is transparent about its procedures and standards will be a smart choice. If you struggle to find this information during your research, do not be afraid to reach out to the service provider directly. This will also give an idea of how available or responsive they will be.

Authenticate Their Technical Expertise

With your business needs lined out, you should have a reasonable basis for the level of service that will be required for your unique facility. Many facility maintenance service providers will specialize in different areas and may not meet all your specific needs. Take the time to authenticate the services provided by a potential partner and see how well they align with your facility's needs. This will often help bridge skills gaps that are not available in-house and ensure a well-rounded support team.

Focus on Training and Safety

Some mechanical systems can be incredibly dangerous if the facility maintenance service provider lacks a robust training program. It is vital to ensure that all potential providers value training and safety above everything else. This will not only ensure that your facility maintenance service partner is up-to-date with best practices but will also create a safe environment for repairs and preventative maintenance to be completed in. Any service provider that values its employees will continue to pass on value to its clients.

engineer or worker hold in hand yellow helmet

Why Choose McIntosh Corporation?

McIntosh Corporation is a partner you can trust for all your mechanical maintenance and installation needs. With over 50 years of experience coordinating project activities between designers and builders, we are sure to have the knowledge and expertise to help you. If you are ready to get started or want to learn more about how McIntosh Corporation can help maintain your facilities, do not hesitate to contact or call us today to get started.