What Are the Advantages of Solar Thermal Systems?

Solar Thermal Systems

In recent months, various issues such as the war between Russia and Ukraine have contributed to a sharp increase in the cost of energy. This, combined with the looming climate crisis, has prompted countless homeowners and businesses to look into alternate solutions. One of the options we offer here at McIntosh Corporation is solar thermal systems, which make use of the sun’s energy to heat a home and provide hot water.

Solar thermal energy is cheap and effective, so it could be a great solution for countless people in and around Tulsa. Because the installation is relatively simple, you could have your system up and running within 1-2 days. What’s more, it is estimated that most people’s investment will pay off within five to ten years, especially if the price of fossil fuels continues to increase.

What Are the Advantages of Solar Thermal Systems?

The solar thermal system is a much better choice than a traditional system, especially when the availability of cheap fossil fuels is no longer guaranteed. Because this way of heating your building and water supply is renewable, it puts less stress on the environment, and it can significantly reduce your ongoing heating bills. This is great for people who need to heat up a lot of water or for properties that need to be kept at a high temperature.

It’s also worth noting that the solar thermal system is suitable for a wide variety of buildings because it doesn’t require much space. Depending on the energy needs and size of the property, the system can be combined with another green solution, photovoltaics. If you’re interested in installing a green energy solution in your home or business, you should speak to an expert, who can tell you whether the solar thermal system is the best option for you.

It’s Renewable and Environmentally Friendly

To their concern for the environment, more and more people are moving away from fossil fuels and exploring other options. So far, systems based on collecting solar energy are some of the most successful.

When you have your home evaluated by an energy specialist, you can find out whether you could reduce or eliminate your use of fossil fuels. While solar systems may not perform as well in places with heavy snow, sharp cold, and reduced sunlight hours during much of the year, here in Tulsa, our climate is absolutely perfect for successful solar systems.

You Reduce Your Dependency on Fossil Fuels

How have you been affected by the current cost of living crisis? If you’re like most Americans, your finances have taken a hit in recent months due to the high rate of inflation. In fact, almost three-quarters of people are worried about maintaining their standard of living. One of the areas that is most affected by the recent issues is the cost of energy.

At the moment, it takes five to ten years for you to recuperate your solar thermal system investment. However, there is a strong likelihood that fossil fuels will get even more expensive in the future, so the payback time could be significantly shorter. What’s more, you won’t be affected if there are any fossil fuel supply issues. The sun will continue to shine no matter what, so you’ll never have to worry about your thermal system being interrupted.

Thermal Systems Can Be Combined with Solar Photovoltaics

A solar photovoltaic system generates electricity from sunlight. When people think of solar energy, it is this system that first comes to mind. Undoubtedly, you have seen solar panels on people’s houses and the roofs of businesses in and around Tulsa. While many experts have a preference for either a solar PV system or a thermal system, there is no reason why the two can’t be combined.

When your energy consultant comes to visit your home, they can evaluate whether you have enough space for both systems. If so, installing them at the same time could be the best option because it almost completely eliminates the need for alternative power sources. Due to Tulsa’s temperate climate, you should be able to receive enough energy from the sun to power your home.

Thermal Systems Are Cheap to Run and Maintain

Solar thermal systems are not expensive to run once they have been installed, and they can save you a lot of money on your monthly bills. Whether you’ve been using natural gas or electricity to heat your water, it’s likely that you will experience a significant cost reduction once you’ve installed your thermal power source.

To keep your system running well, you should have it maintained at least once a year. The easiest way to do this is to sign up to a maintenance plan with your mechanical service provider. They have the tools and experience necessary to keep your system in great shape for decades to come.

You Won’t Need Much Space Due to High Efficiency

Solar thermal technology has been around for over a hundred years, so it is well established and researched. However, it has only recently advanced enough to become viable for private residences and small businesses. In the past, the installation was complex, and the efficiency of the system was low, so the panels had to be very large. Fortunately, this has changed in recent years.

When you install a new solar thermal system, you can benefit from great efficiency, so you don’t have to give up a lot of space in your yard or garden for the panels. Instead, they are usually mounted on the roof, and they don’t take up any room you would be using otherwise.

The System Can Also Provide Power

There are applications for solar thermal energy that go beyond heating up water and a home. In fact, this system can also be used to generate power within a community. To do this, the solar energy can be used to boil water. When this happens, steam rises, which can be used to drive a turbine that generates power.

Such solar thermal power plants are already being used in the US. In fact, there are more than 2,500 utility-scale solar power stations around the country, and they generate approximately 1.8% of our total energy. In the future, this percentage is likely to increase, especially as the building of solar power systems becomes more affordable when compared to using fossil fuels.

How Does a Solar Thermal System Work?

Solar thermal systems work by harnessing the energy from sunlight and converting it into heat that can be used on your property. To install such a system, you will need collectors, which gather the sun’s rays and transmit them to a fluid that contains water and glycol. This heated fluid then travels to a water cylinder via a pump. There, it heats up water, which is transferred to other places within your property, such as your taps or radiators.

Once the water and glycol mixture has released the heat, it flows back to the collectors to get heated up again. The system is steered by a controller, which regulates the pump and makes sure the liquid only moves when there is enough solar energy to heat it up. This system control panel also collects information regarding the performance of the system, so it can alert you if there are any issues.

Should I Choose This System for My Home or Business?

As you can see, a solar thermal system comes with many benefits and has the potential to make your home or business more environmentally friendly. When you first get the system installed, it will cost you several thousands of dollars, but you will recuperate the money within 5-10 years due to your lower energy bills. In some areas of the US, you might get a tax break related to your solar thermal system installation.

Solar thermal energy is suitable for a wide range of properties, but it works best in homes and organizations that need a lot of hot water. It could also be suitable for anyone who would like to reduce their property’s environmental impact. When you speak to our energy experts, they can explain the various green solutions we currently offer, so you can make an informed decision about which one works best for you.

Contact Us to Learn More

With energy prices rising rapidly and the climate crisis worsening every year, countless homeowners and businesses are looking to switch away from fossil fuels. Solar thermal systems are a great way of using the sun’s energy to provide a building with heat and hot water. They are not only much more environmentally friendly than traditional systems, but they can also reduce the running costs of a property.

If you’re interested in updating your building’s thermal system, you should look into this option. The easiest way to get started is to reach out to an experienced energy expert, who can visit your property and discuss the possibilities with you. Because there are several excellent solutions, you’re sure to find something suitable. Call us now at McIntosh Corporation, BIM CAD specialist in Tulsa, OK to find out whether a solar thermal system is right for you.

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